#43-22 Vandana Shiva on Memory for Survival … The prescient author of Staying Alive!
Vandana Shiva, author of Staying Alive: Women, Ecology and Development in India, and Coordinator of the Research Foundation of Science and Ecology in India, says: “Undoing the lessons of development is the first step – not creating another set of new rules that call themselves sustainable development.” This is her prescient speech on the topic of Grassroots Strategies for Our Global Future, at the Public Interest Economic Law Conference, in Eugene, Oregon, in 1990.
Credits: Recorded by Paul Roland of community radio KBOO in Portland, Oregon; presented for WINGS by Nancy Lupo; WINGS series producer, Frieda Werden. Original WINGS sound logo commissioned from Maggi Payne.
Notes: The 2023 Public Interest Environmental Law Conference (their 41st) will take place in Eugene, Oregon, first week of March. For details: http://pielc.org/