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#31-21 Food Beneath Their Feet … Africa’s Indigenous Food Revival

A movement is afoot to recover traditional African food plants, preserve them, and disseminate the knowledge about how to grow and use them. Many have medicinal advantages as well as nutritional ones, and can be grown without any costly inputs. Anastacia Chheruiyot is an enthusiastic advocate for and leader in this movement. 

Host(s): Frieda Werden and Diana Wanyonyi
Featured Speakers/Guests: Anastacia Cheruiyot is a plant biologist who developed the Haller Foundation’s indigenous plant program. She is now a program officer for the African Women’s Agribusiness Network and a consultant in areas such as biodiversity conservation, climate-smart agriculture, and alue-chain development for indigenous vegetables. She is based in Mombasa, Kenya.

Credits: Produced by Diana Wanyonyi; series editor and additional narration, Frieda Werden.

Comments: Links for more information:
Bio of the speaker:
Haller foundation:
African Women’s Agribusiness Network:
