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#02-02 Sexing the Web … Exploring sex and gender through the brand new world wide web

This show from the archives (1996!) has new relevance now the pandemic renders many courtships virtual. Caitlin Sullivan and Kate Bornstein co-wrote the book Nearly Roadkill: An Infobahn Erotic Adventure, based on their pioneering experiments with sex, sexuality, and identity over the then-nascent World Wide Web. Although out of print, the book is enjoying a revival in the second decade of the 21st century; it’s studied and written about as a classic of genderqueer speculative fiction, and for its honest arguments about clashing beliefs and biases. The interviewer was the now-late Sue Supriano. Update by Series Producer Frieda Werden.

Host(s): Sue Supriano; update by Frieda Werden
Featured Speakers/Guests: Theatre and radio practitioner Caitlin Sullivan, self-described as a cis female, and author, playwright, performance artist, actress, gender theorist, and nonbinary post-op transsexual Kate Bornstein developed a long friendship on the internet that was part sex, part playacting, and part working through their identities and their prejudices. They were interviewed when their book came out in 1996 by Sue Supriano.

Credits: Original production by Sue Supriano for her community radio program “Steppin’ Out of Babylon” that aired on KPFA-FM, Berkeley, California. Edited and later updated for WINGS by Frieda Werden.

Comments: Originally released as WINGS #31-96 Sexing the Net. Re-edited and updated to 2020.