#43-20 Resisting Rape in Cameroon … Speaking the truth is step one
Girls and women in Cameroon are being urged to speak the truth about rapes they have experienced, for their mental health, and to help address the problem.
Host(s): Patience Wirngo, Frieda Werden
Featured Speakers/Guests: Speakers in this program are: three young women who are coming out about their rapes, including Comfort, who since committed suicide; a friend of Comfort; Josephine Nsono (photo), Gender and Child Protection Supervisor for the Cameroon Baptist Convention’s Health Services Operation in Northwest Cameroon; Barrister and gender equality activist Joy Chefu;and Marie-Therese Abena Ondoa, Cameroons Minister of Womens Empowerment and the Family.
Credits: Produced by Patience Wirngo; WINGS series producer, Frieda Werden.
Comments: The speeches of the young women coming out about their rape experiences have been edited to comply with US language restrictions.