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#47-24 Sakti for Elders in Bangalore, India … Community, sustenance and a bit of joy

The elderly are becoming a greater proportion of India’s population, and many of them are women who had a lifetime of underemployment before becoming too frail to work, but still have overwhelming financial responsibilities. Even food can be difficult for them to obtain. Jacintha Kumaraswamy, Founder of Sakti, staff, a volunteer, and the elder women beneficiaries tell how the project evolved as a community endeavour, what it provides, what its recipients face and how they are helped, and what else might be in its future.

Host/Producers: Smita Ramanathan and Manju Venkat.

Interviewees: Jacintha Kumaraswamy, Sakti Founder; Chithra and Thenmozhi, Staff; Abhay Shirvastav, volunteer; Elders: Alamelu, Vishalakshi, Indraniamma, Fairoz, Thulasamma