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#06-22 Let ‘Em Eat Cake! … Marie Antoinette’s famous phrase. If she said it, why?

An “Aural Tapestry.” Food journalist Lizet Kruyff cooks Marie Antoinette’s favourite cake from her childhood – an Austrian kugelhopf, while reporter Mindy Ran follows her around the kitchen asking questions about both cooking and history. The wealthy French were using food for conspicuous display and class distinctions, while much of of the French populace was starving. Revolution ensued. 

Host(s): Mindy Ran, Frieda Werden
Featured Speakers/Guests: Lizet Kruyff, journalist and food historian; Mindy Ran, interviewer 

Credits: Produced by Mindy Ran. Original aired in Radio Netherlands now-defunct Euroquest series, and had technical production support by Mark Brauer; adaptation for WINGS and update by Frieda Werden.
